Antifreeze Refractometer


  • Designed to test the concentration of the battery fluids, antifreeze liquid and

    cleaning fluids.

  • With the indication of the percentage you may know at which temperature the

    fluid will be frozen for both propylene glycol and ethylene glycol. 

  • It can alsobe used for checking the strength of electrolyte solution batteries.

  • Remarks: in the following firms, E, P, B and C respectively refer to ethylene glycol,

    propylene glycol, battery and cleaning Fluids.


ltem No.


Antifreeze Refractometer is designed to test the concentration of the battery fluids, antifreeze liquid and cleaning fluids.


  • Rapidly and precisely display with Specific Gravity (1. 15 -1. 30) at the same time, no need to switch unit for readings each time!
  • With the built-in automatic temperature compensation(ATC), the brix refractometer will account for changes in ambient temperature and automatically compensate accordingly to consistently accurate readings.
  • Just take a drop or 2 of your brew on the prism and hold the refractometer to the light, then look through the eyepiece to get the reading. No lookup table needed and no waste!
  • Made with non-staining, non-corrosive and non-reactive aluminum material, light-weighted and portable, safe and durable.
  • Ideal refractometer for making homemade beer, wines, fruit juices and other homemade beverages, etc.


Package Dimensions19.8 x 5.5x 4.7 cm
Package Weight294g
Measuring range: 0℃ to -50℃
Resolution: 5℃
Measuring range: 1.10kg/l to 1.30kg/l
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